Wednesday, June 19, 2013


So one of my coworkers who I consider a close friend and I was having one of our normal day at work conversations, and during our talk. I came upon a question that I know a lot of people have been asked or just heard before, but has always been a sensitive subject to ever get a "good" answer. The question I came upon was. Why if a women that sleeps with a different man consider a Hoe among both man and woman but if a man sleeps with a different woman, he is considered "The Man" among his boyz and "Experience "among the woman? Do you think that is right or wrong? Do you think just the concept of sleeping  with a different person of the opposite sex is just wrong to begin with or do you think people or some people in general need to grow up. I want to know. The concept of a woman being on the "same level" as a man in my own opinion is just great. I am a person of equal rights among color and gender. In the past when woman were considered good for only three things such as laying on they back , bearing kids and stay home moms is no longer that now anymore. Now woman are the driving force behind a man like for example Michelle Obama behind Barack Obama and working woman like a lot of our moms, wife's, girlfriends ect.. But if woman are now doing pretty much the same thing a man is doing, why when it comes to the subject of "women having sex with a different man" she is consider a hoe? I would think a woman would be on the same grounds as a man regardless of if she is "suppose to be lady". I do agree that woman should be a lady most of the times, but don't judge her in a negative way base on what she wants to do with her body when you have the opposite sex doing the same exact thing. If a woman want to go and "have fun" with a different man as long as she is not selling herself to get money, that is her right to do so and she will deal with any repercussion that might come her way. That's all for today, so let me know your Idea's on this subject.  

Thursday, June 13, 2013


So this week, one of our favorite superhero's comes to the wide screen. Yes!, I am talking about "Man of Steel". I am very excited to see how this version of Superman is going fix all the past Superman movies after Christopher Reeve who was once known as the man of steel. The past Superman movies after Christopher Reeve was in my opinion the worst or could have done better. I personally think that the best person who played superman was Christopher Reeve. He just owned the role and almost made you believe that he really had super powers. Now we have a new intake on the story to Superman and a new actor and from what I saw from the trailers, it looks like this version of Superman will for sure fix the past Superman and start a exciting future of the HERO.

Wednesday, June 12, 2013


                             " STD from hell: Gonorrhea HO41 might be worse than AIDS "
So you know how you come to work expecting to hear good news or get some laughs in. Well today was a little different. The first thing I hear from one of my coworkers is "I hope you are having safe sex".... Now when you hear that from anyone, the first expression on your face is the "confuse face" with the thoughts that "Dose this person know who I am having sex with" or "Is there something about my sexual life that this person knows that I don't know". Well to find out, it has nothing to do with my current sexual status. But it has to do with everyone, including me. We would like to believe that we live in a "Perfect" world, but sadly; we don't. Apparently, there is a powerful STD which is call GONORRHEA HO41(Put you into septic shock and death in a matter of days)that is worst then AIDS. In the short run because the bacteria is more aggressive, it will affect more people quickly as per Alan Christianson; who is a doctor of naturopathic medicine. This sexually-transmitted disease was discovered in Japan two years ago and only now the "sex super bug" was found in Hawaii. So people I know "going raw" feels great and I am not going to lie, I do like "dipping in the ocean nude". But this days, we have to be much more wiser of what or whom we do. So is a emotionless encounter with a stranger worth it?

Sunday, June 9, 2013

VID SUNDAY: "DESPICABLE" - Portuguese anti-racism advert

I just like watching this video every time. It is by time certain people know that, STOP BEING A RACIES. Treat people with the equal respect that you would want in return. And come on, there is better things to worry abut in the world like "Hunger", "Death" and "Terrorism".

Saturday, June 8, 2013


Fairy Tail 334 Page 21

Fairy Tail 334 Page 22

Fairy Tail 334 Page 23

So! can I start this?....ummm...So Gray pull a very heroic act and step in the way of Juvia and was shot in the chest many times by those "foot soldiers dragons" as if it was like one of those Mob movies, right after he looked like he was going to confess he feelings to Juvia like one of those romance novels.We all know that Fairy Tail is coming to an end and some of use do know that before this series end, something unexpected is going to happen. But I would not believe that this would have been the unexpected moment. I really do hope that Gray getting killed was some illusion or he was dreaming. 

Friday, June 7, 2013


Sorry, but I just have to bring it out. Whats up with everyone wanting to rock fitted clothing, listen to rock music and wear dunks this days? I remember back in the days when fitted Clothing and Dunks was not Blazing like today and was considered Gay to most people, I remember when I use to buy Dunks less then $100 before it came in high demand, I remember when I use to rock fitted jeans and people would get at me calling me gay, I remember being in school rocking dunks that not much people had and it mad be fill good,I remember listening to Rock music and people just did not understand why I listen to that type of music. Those was the days. Now we got people wanting to be someone they not or be part of the trend, but the trend has always been out for years and only the real people that was or still wearing it are the real Trend setters, not y'allSO STOP SWAGGER JACKING 4 REAL, IT DON'T LOOK GOOD ON U THEN DA NEXT PERSON YA DIG

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Thursday, June 6, 2013


This is a movie that I think a lot of people should just see. When this movie was first brought to my attention like a year ago. I never saw it and at first I was a little discontent to even watch it. But due to a co-worker movie knowledge and his amazing insight on great movies, which to this very day I keep checking on him for a nice movie to watch; I look the movie up on Netflix and watched it. I really don't know what it was, but like for the first 5-10mins of watching the movie. It just grab my full attention and just have me wanting to watch more and more. So if you are someone who would like to enjoy a nice classic movie, watch Shawshank Redemption.