Wednesday, May 1, 2013


This has always been a sensitive subject due to racial barriers being broken. Some people agree and some don't, but it is still a subject to talk about. Back in the days, during the 60's-late 90's. You would have heard a taboo saying such as interracial couples should never happen and that every race should just stay with they own especially Afro-americans. But now, the idea is no longer an idea but is actually a reality. I personally think that interracial couples is the way of the future that brings some great beneficial gifts such as beautiful offsprings, as well as bring different racial cultures together as one. Which I believe will finally bring a great understanding among cultures. And if you think about, who can really say that they are 100% of anything. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying that dating your own race/culture is wrong because I promote both. I am only basing my opinions on experience dating the same race and what I have seen others who are dating other race/cultures. Now, that being said. My question to you today is, when it comes to compatibility. Do you think that being with a different race/culture create better and stronger love bonds then if you were to date own race/culture? Well that is all for now till next Wednesday.