So for the pass year or so, I have been having this "conversation" with a lot of my friends and coworkers on the subject of "EATING". Yes!, having a "three course meal" on your women. Whenever the subject comes up, I tend to be the antagonist in the conversation. Now, to remind you. I am not saying that people should not do it, I am just saying that I don't think I am going to do it at all or just on any women. The way my friends and coworkers talk about "IT", is as if we were talking about "the perfect women" or "what you like about a women in general" and fellers. You know how those conversation goes when it is on those two, I am going to give you two examples of what those "guy talk" be like with some friends/coworkers without giving any real names.
(My definition)
GUY TALK: A way of talking that is unique to your friends or people you are talking to.
Example #1
J.L(close friend/coworker): Dude! eating a girl out and watching her expression is the best feeling ever. Just the fact that she is enjoying it, is all I
Me: Dude! you must be joking. I can not see myself doing that. Just the fact that a lot happens down there with women, is going to make me puke. Maybe one day when I find "Wifey", I will think about it.
Example #2
A(close friend): My nigga, bitches love that shit. When I go down on a women, I become a pro diver up in that
Me: Nahhhhh!, you keep diving and I will swim real talk though. I am a greedy nigga when it comes to that. I like receiving but I don't give and so far, I have gotten many givers and they never ask or pretty much care about receiving it back. And you know why? "BIG DICK STU, STAY PIPING THAT PUSSY LIKE A PRO ATHLETE" want to let you know that is just me "guy talking" and that I don't talk like that)
So one of my close friends/coworker post this link on Facebook on a Article that titles "CAN ORAL SEX CAUSE CANCER?" By: Men's magazine , so you can believe how that title can get my attention right away. This is a small piece of the article that pretty much sums up everything.
"More and more men are contracting throat cancer from a shockingly common sexually transmitted disease. Here's what you need to know to protect yourself. The next time you think about going down on a woman, think about this: She is almost certain to have been infected at some point with a virus that could, years from now, give you throat cancer. The most common sexually transmitted disease in the U.S., human papillomavirus, or HPV, has been blamed for a recent, rapid increase in the incidence of throat cancer – a disease that used to be rare in people who didn't drink or smoke excessively. According to data from 2004, the most recent available, rates of HPV-related throat cancer had risen 225 percent in the previous 16 years, with men suffering the most cases. Researchers point to the increasing popularity of oral sex – often seen as safer than intercourse – among heterosexual couples, a trend that may soon lead to more male fatalities in industrialized nations from HPV-related infections than female ones – a surprising turnaround after decades when women suffered higher death rates from the virus, which also causes cervical cancer through vaginal sex". So all I will say is, the next time you are with you women or a women in general and you want to "please" her. THINK ABOUT IF YOU ARE HUNGRY OR STUFFED.